Dodecatheon meadia
This is your sping gotta have plant.
•Blooms: early
•Height: 1’ – 2’
•Habitat: mesic prairies and savannas
•Long-lived perennial
•Family: Primrose
•Sun/Shade: full sun to dappled shade
•Pollinator service: Critical to early emerging pollinators like bumblebees and mimics
This plant has beautiful pink, white or lavender flowers shaped like miniature cyclamen and completely disappears underground after it sets seed.
Little bluestem, Prairie coreopsis, Brown-eyed Susan
Shooting star
This is available in a full flat of 32 plants or a half flat of 16 plants.
If selecting the Horicon event, these plants will only be available for pick-up.
Pick-up Details:
Saturday, May 17 between 9:30am - 1:30pm
Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center, N7725 Hwy. 28, Horicon, WI
All orders must be placed by March 31st.