Viburnum prunifolium
May be used as a native hedge. Outstanding fall color. Pink and to yellow-white flowers. Dark berries.
OPENLANDS sale event
•Blooms: early
•Height: 12'-20'
•Moisture requirements: moderate
•Sun/Shade: full sun to part shade
•small multi-stem tree or large shrub
•Family: Viburnaceae
•Pollinator service: Helps fill the important early season pollinator window. Fruits are a mixture of green, yellow, and red-pink that transition to blue-black at maturity and are attractive to birds.
Fruits can be eaten raw or used in jams and preserves. Flowers are fragarent
Ferns, Blue phlox, Penn sedge, Wild strawberry, Blue violet, other native trees and shrubs
Blackhaw viburnum #1
pick up or delivery only - contact us
#1 (trade 1-gallon) count of 1